Book Review: Chalice

by Melissa on December 18, 2009 · 0 comments

in 14-17, Fantasy, Romance

Title: Chalice
Publisher: Ace
Author: Robin McKinley
Lexile: [?] 1070L
ATOS Level: [?]7.0
Parent Rating:
VN:R_N [1.9.7_1111]
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Go For Age Range: 14-17


A beekeeper by trade, Mirasol’s life changes completely when she is named the new Chalice, the most important advisor to the new Master, a former priest of Fire.


A sweet story about a young woman who finds the courage within herself to stand up for what she believes in.  Through her journey to help her land, she finds her voice and purpose.  I think mature readers as young as 12-13 might enjoy it, with a careful eye on the content review.



Sexual Content

Mirasol is aware of a man looking at her in an inappropriate way, idea of faithfulness in marriage.  Word use: celibate.


Adults drink wine, mead. Reference to adults being drunk or drugged and a fire killing one of them.


Some description of a man who is horribly burned.


Word use: ‘bastard’ is used in reference to children born outside of wedlock and there are multiple references to this.  Part of the premise of the book is that the earth itself responds to what humans are doing and can communicate with people.  The earth lines can become disorganized and stressed, causing earthquakes, sinkholes, etc.


Scrying (predicition of the future) is performed. Prayers to different ‘gods’-earth, fire, honey, etc.

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