From the category archives:


The Mysterious Benedict Society

November 15, 2010

The-Mysterious-Benedict-Society While the good guys eventually win, there is quite a bit of peril for the children in the story. Quite bit is expected of them in very difficult circumstances. They rise to the challenge (as children usually do), but it is a stressful story. Strong characters, creative problem solvers.

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October 18, 2010

goThis book has won several awards and is a nice read. Even though the main characters are young teens, the content and story are fine for 9-12 year-olds, and even precocious readers.

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Book Review: The Fight to Survive

August 31, 2010

The-Fight-to-SurviveSurprisingly graphic violence for the recommended age-range. Really, really surprising. Some kids may be bothered by the level of violence and some of the harshness of being a bounty hunter’s child. Proceed with caution.

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Book Review: Cosmic

July 17, 2010

CosmicA likeable character, unusual and very interesting story. Likely a better fit for closer to 10 and 11 year-olds, due to just a few bits of mature content.

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Book Review: The Death Defying Pepper Roux

June 29, 2010

goA disturbing premise, but an intrepid hero who has an interesting story. Some significant content to be aware of-likely not a good fit for kids under age 11, and a mature 11 at that.

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Book Review: Morning Girl

April 23, 2010

Morning-GirlThis is a really lovely story, one that both boys and girls will like (told from the perspective of a sister and a brother). A strong family story and a beautiful view on a simpler time with a family who loves each other and acknowledges each other’s differences. The reference in the synopsis to a ‘threatened way of life’ is because of the islands discovery by Columbus in the last page of the story. A note at the end of the book by Columbus implies that he is intent on capturing the people to be servants.

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Book Review: Wings

April 23, 2010

goThe main character is in peril, chased by some pretty evil bad guys. Adults are not protective of the children in the story. Some unresolved family issues (why does Edward’s aunt not want to give him a home?). Edward is brave and clever. The story is likely okay for most 9-12 yo’s, though kids sensitive to `evil’ scariness might want to wait ’til they’re closer to 11 or 12.

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Book Review: The Maze of Bones

April 9, 2010

The-Maze-of-BonesHistorical and geographical references, ‘National Treasure’ for kids. The family members are pretty hostile to each other. Grownups and authority figures are not portrayed particularly well. Kids will like the adventure in the book.

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Book Review: The Sea of Monsters

April 8, 2010

The-Sea-of-MonstersCheck out the review of ‘The Lightening Thief’ for more info on the series. This book was milder in comparison, so no worries if your child did fine with Book 1. In addition to watching Percy continue to grow as a hero, there are two strong female teens who may be a draw for readers who are girls.

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Book Review: School of Fear

March 23, 2010

goTwelve-year-olds Madeleine, Theo, and Lulu and thirteen-year-old Garrison are sent to a remote Massachusetts school to overcome their phobias, but tragedy strikes and the quartet must work together, with no adult assistance, to face their fears.

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