Book Review: Artemis Fowl

by Melissa on January 2, 2010 · 0 comments

in 9-12, ATOS 5.0-5.9, Fantasy, Good book for boys, Lexile 600-699, Mystery, Part of a series or set

Title: Artemis Fowl
Series: Artemis Fowl, Book 1
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Author:Eoin Colfer
Lexile: [?] 600L
ATOS Level: [?] 5.0
Parent Rating:
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Go For Ages: 9-12


Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a brilliant criminal mastermind, but even he does not know what he has taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These fairies are armed and they are dangerous.


Artemis is clever and resourceful-though it is directed to a life of crime.  I don’t think most 9-10 year-olds will get into the book, which is probably fine.  Artemis is not exactly a role model and kids will like seeing how he interacts with the grownups around him.


Level 1 [?]

Sexual Content

‘bred like rodents’


Adult described as drunk all the time. Adults drink whiskey, smoke cigarettes and cigars. Twelve year-old serves and drinks Don Perignon (‘I know I’m a minor’). Drinks laced with drugs. Drugs in a hypodermic needle used to kidnap a fairy. ‘alcohol addiction’ ‘Colombian drug lord’


Adult armed with ‘a Sig Sauer, throwing knives, a derringer, garrotte wire, grenades and a ball bearing cosh’. Magazine ‘Guns and Ammo’. A fairy is kidnapped and terrified, attacked by a scary troll. Description of a whaling boat, ‘The smell of death and pain lingered in the blood-swabbed decks.’ Some graphic detail of several battles.


Humans referred to as ‘mud people’ and portrayed as barbaric, stupid, and as destroying ‘everything the came into contact with’.  Twelve year-old dedicates himself to criminal activities.  His mother, who is mentally ill, doesn’t recognize him and he is sad. A dwarf eats dirt and expels it out his bottom-yeah, potty humor.


‘holy water’ used as a weapon of sorts.

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