Title: D.A.
Series: no
Publisher: Subterranean
Author: Connie Willis
Age Range: YA
Lexile: [?] TBD
AR Level: [?] TBD
Formats: book
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Some high school kids would do anything to be an IASA space cadet, but not Theodora Baumgarten in Willis’s cheerfully tongue-in-cheek SF novella. “There’s no air, you’re squashed into a ship the size of a juice can, and it takes years to get anywhere interesting. If you… aren’t killed first by a meteor or a solar flare or a systems malfunction.” But somehow, without submitting an application, Theodora is accepted to the Academy. Soon, she’s green with space sickness aboard the Academy space station (named, appropriately enough, the Robert A. Heinlein), learning the ropes with a class of robust, gung-ho cadets. Getting out will require solving the mystery of how she got into the Academy in the first place, but it might have something to do with the annotation “D.A.” in her station records. Willis (Inside Job) turns a cherished SF theme completely inside out.


A fun, light read. Good one for girls. No content to be concerned about. Nice to find a true sci-fi with strong female characters. Good for precocious readers, down to 11 or 12.


None, though use of the word `frick’, in place of other words. [?]

Sexual Content







A teen can ‘hack into anything’ and uses her skills to break into a government computer. Kids bet, even though they know it is prohibited. The government can shanghai teens for space duty, without their parents permission.



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Book Review: D.A., 4.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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